POEA Administrator Hans Leo J. Cacdac ordered the preventive suspension of Empleos Incorporated, Nahed International Manpower Services, and Ridzkey Human Resources International Services , which were found to have illegally deployed Filipino workers to Jordan using Dubai, United Arab Emirates as transit point.
Cacdac said the three agencies used the same scheme of having the documents of the OFWs processed at the POEA for work in the UAE , but upon arrival in Dubai, the workers are transferred to planes bound for Jordan.
Cacdac said the POEA motu propio filed administrative complaints against the three agencies after receiving memo s from the Philippine Overseas Labor Office in Jordan re quest ing assistance for immediate repatriation of OFWs deployed by the agencies. The workers ran away from their respective employers and are currently staying at the Filipino Workers Resource Center in Amman.
"The scheme employed by the respondents is a prima facie case of trafficking - in - persons considering the fact that the workers were officially processed for UAE but the y were deployed instead to employers in Jordan that are not accredited or registered with the POEA,"
Cacdac said in his order. The recruitment agencies also failed to immediately repatriate the affected workers even with persistent requests for repatriation from the POEA and the workers themselves. Cacdac said he issued the order of preventive suspension against the three agencies because there are reasonable grounds to believe that the ir continued operation will lead to further violation of POEA rules and regulations , and exploitation of applicants for overseas jobs . Cacdac also ordered the inclusion of the names of the respondents in the POEA list of agencies temporarily disqualified to recruit and deploy Filipino overseas workers pending investigation of the cases filed against them.
source: POEA